The goal of the obt
package is to provide tools for data
professionals in Ontario school boards (and elsewhere) to work with
common data sets across the province. This includes:
- Report Card Data (elementary and secondary)
- EQAO Data (Primary and Junior assessments of Reading, Writing and
Mathematics, Grade 9 Assessments of Mathematics and the Ontario
Secondary School Literacy Test) (pending)
- Ontario University Application Center (OUAC) and Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) data (pending)
Included with the package are fictional data for both elementary (wide format) and secondary (long format) report card marks.
head (ele_rc)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#> id school grade responsibility independent_work initiative organization
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 470846 Degrassi… 2 S G S S
#> 2 234086 Degrassi… 5 E E E E
#> 3 526182 Degrassi… 5 G G G G
#> 4 475311 Degrassi… 2 G G G S
#> 5 455525 Degrassi… 8 E E G E
#> 6 462941 Degrassi… 4 G G G G
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: collaboration <chr>, self_regulation <chr>,
#> # reading <chr>, writing <chr>, mathematics <chr>,
#> # science_and_technology <chr>, social_studies <chr>, history <chr>,
#> # geography <chr>
head (sec_rc)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 13
#> id school course_number potential_credit_hrs earned_credit_hrs mid_term
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 861423 Shermer … ENG3C 1 1 30
#> 2 959022 Shermer … HPW3C 1 1 76
#> 3 924795 Shermer … CLU3M 1 1 99
#> 4 773851 Shermer … AMI4M 1 1 91
#> 5 611411 Shermer … MEL3E 1 1 50
#> 6 621233 Shermer … PLF4M 1 0 60
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: final <chr>, collaboration <chr>, independent_work <chr>,
#> # initiative <chr>, organization <chr>, responsibility <chr>,
#> # self_regulation <chr>